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Priority booking for Patrons

Members of our BFO Patrons club will be able to purchase their season passes for the 2025/26 season from March 25, depending on their level.

Priority booking dates for Patrons:

March 25, Tuesday – The Conductor's Circle

from 10:00: The Conductor's Circle – Gold level members – 8 season passes
from 13:00: The Conductor's Circle – Silver level members – 6 season passes
from 16:00: The Conductor's Circle – Bronze level members – 4 season passes

March 26, Wednesday – Benefactors

from 10:00: Gold Benefactors – 4 season passes
from 13:00: Silver Benefactors – 4 season passes
from 16:00: Bronze Benefactors – 2 season passes

March 27, Thursday from 10:00 – Gold Supporters – 2 season passes

March 28, Friday from 10:00 – Silver Supporters – 2 season passes

April 1, Tuesday from 10:00 – Bronze Supporters – 2 season passes

Booking opens for the general audience on April 8 at 10:00.
Ticket sales for the Christmas Concert begin in the new season. You can find more information in the BFO's monthly newsletters.

To be able to use your pre-booking option, please renew your BFO Patrons membership or join BFO Patrons before the start of the ticket sales. You can do this easily by paying the membership fee by card through our website’s secure donation form after signing in, or by bank transfer.

You can purchase your tickets on the website or in person at the BFO's office (weekdays between 10:00 and 16:00)

In order to ensure that early-purchase ticket sales proceed smoothly, please check prior to the transaction that your membership level remains valid, and that you are using the same email address to validate your purchase as the one we have on file.

You may do so on the website by accessing your profile: if it shows the date of validity for your membership as December 31, 2025 and if the membership level is correct, you are all set to make your purchase.

Should you have any questions, please reach out to us at the email address or by calling +36 1 882 7671.