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HUNGARIAN TUBA PLAYERS IN HONG KONG József Bazsinka gave a master course at the Cultural Centre in Hong Kong.
There was plenty of technical equipment in the small room, as much as the Bartók Hall of the Palace of Arts would deserve... The tuba player of the Budapest Festival Orchestra demonstrated proper breathing technique, the holding of the instrument and mouthpiece work ensuring quality sound to three young students in front of the audience. There were mainly music school students in the audience, but families from Hong Kong, father, mother and two children, came too. The children got bored with the second half of the more than two-hour long course, but remained astonishingly disciplined. After the performance, students eagerly taking notes raised practical questions as to how one should prepare for an all-out audition for example, but József Bazsinka’s answers were always satisfactory. After the programme, twelve people rushed to ask for an autograph, take a picture or just talk privately with the Hungarian musician, including a Hungarian architect in his thirties, wearing a rucksack, who lives and works here, and even plays the tuba in his free time. Hungarians are everywhere...