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Dancing on the Square, “a dream from the days of old”


Dancing on the Square, “a dream from the days of old”

The music struck the hearts, the social message struck home – we have received a lot of important and positive feedback on this year’s Dancing on the Square concert, providing us with plenty of inspiration for the summer. We would like to thank you and present a selection of the most beautiful thoughts.

Thank you for giving me back my faith in goodness, humanity and selflessness. I am proud to have one of my former students in the orchestra.

Mrs Piller née Judit Balla

It was a wonderful experience to be part of this great production. I am proud that 24 children from Pap, Nyírlövő, Lövőpetri and Aranyosapáti have taken a lifelong commitment to that magnificent music and dance. Thanks to everyone for coming up with and following through on this great idea.

András Barta

It always brings joy to my life.

Mrs. József Kristóf

This is a miracle!

Erzsó, Mrs Vári

When Music belongs to everyone...

Erzsébet Bicsák

The concert was beautiful! And so was the dance by the nearly 500 children! Thanks to the orchestra, the guest Gypsy musicians, the choreographer, all the music instructors and at last but not least to the little performers. Each year a great experience!

Mrs. Gyula Varga

We are enchanted by the BFO every time. Thanks to the kids, the orchestra, its leader, and everyone who has contributed to this miracle! See you next year!

Mária Pára

It’s been a magical experience!

Edit Simon

My son was also there. I’m a single mother and I hope they grow up to be honest people. It was great to see them and their form teacher experience all this!

Bernadett Apfenthaler

Iván Fischer and the BFO are leading by example, teaching us to always search for and find the things that can improve people’s lives and make the world a better place, no matter where we are in life. My grandmother would say, “God bless you for all this!” I tell you the same.

Anna Kádi

I was especially delighted to see such altruistic artists, giving us the best of their skills, which I treasure and appreciate!

Olga Rigó

All that is good in one place – great vibes, smiles and music. Thank you!

Sarolta Rózsa

It’s was a terrific concert! Thank you! What our country needs is a lot of artists like them, who, instead of talking, are actually doing something to promote tolerance.

Zsuzsanna Málnai

It was truly inspiring. Music filled the square. Making music, singing and dancing together leaves no room for exclusion.

Mrs. Stoller née Katalin Tóth

Thank you for this experience, the basic concept of the concert, namely that music connects everyone. There’s no racism in music, only poetry, soaring and love. FOR US ALL! It was a beautiful evening, my thanks to all performers and technical staff.

Ágnes Mária Weiss

It felt great to be Hungarian this beautiful Sunday evening, to listen to the BFO’s concert at Szent István square in this metropolitan setting in front of the Basilica. The orchestra, the guest performers, the little dancers and the thousands of spectators left politics behind and became one with music. It was like a “dream from the days of old.” No disunity, fighting or recriminations. We should try and live our lives more according to this. We did not feel alone, like the defenders of a fortress under siege. Brahms liked Hungarians, Hungarian folk music, we liked Brahms’ Hungarian Dances, the performers, the Gypsy musicians, the enthusiastic children, and apparently, one another. See all of you here next year!

György Ligeti

I think it was an unforgettable experience for all of us. I hope that it meant a lot for the kids as the next generation. The tremendous power of music has brought everyone together in a wonderful heartfelt unity that touched us to our core.

Mária Klein

The concert was beautiful, the children were cute and the audience was enthusiastic. What more do you need? Thanks for the musical and community experience you provide each year.

Lilla Matos

Cheers for Fathers’ Day!  These were truly unique moments – the face of father and son shown on the screen, completely focused on each other, and making music together.

Marian Murányi

The music struck hearts, the social message struck home.

Ildikó Lendvai

It was an uplifting experience. Iván Fischer was at the top of his game, as always. It was a great achievement, like all his performances. My heartfelt congratulations to his orchestra too! Also to the children, their instructors, the choreographers, technicians – in one word, EVERYONE! Thank you.

Katinka Fajzi

I really liked that the children came from all over the country and that they gained a lifetime experience.

Ildikó Vámosi

It was so nice! Professional, lovely, ingenious and touching! What else can you expect? Thanks a lot!

Mrs. Dalnoki Zsuzsa Kertész

It was very touching to listen to the play of the Gipsy musicians, hear father and son perform together and the cimbalom music. It brought back memories of Aladár Rácz’s cimbalom play, which was a powerful experience of my childhood. Thank you, Iván Fischer, for developing the concept for and carrying out the event. I welcome this wonderful orchestra and the dance of the cheerful, liberated children. How great it would be to live in a country where tolerance and the understanding of each other is not a rare treat, but part of our daily lives. Thank you once again. My best regards to all of you!

Annabella Horányi

It felt great to be there and a powerful experience. I noticed that even tiny children were engrossed in the music. I’m pleased to have personally met the great man, Iván Fischer. What he’s doing is great.

Zsófia Takács

It was stylish, human, great and professional work. I’m happy to have been able to witness it.

Zsuzsa Kovan

Seeing and listening to the Dancing on the Square project has been a great experience for us. I was deeply moved by the idea behind the production. We applaud the mastermind and the organisers. Thank you for the honour of having been able to spend a few hours in the company of Mr. Iván Fischer, whom we hold in high esteem.

Mrs Kapusi née Éva Vig