Listening to music, singing and playing an instrument every day can all contribute to the development of speech, language and creativity, as well as to maintaining our mental health. The Budapest Festival Orchestra’s globally unrivalled program of musical education endeavors to introduce the treasures of classical music to children, families and young adults. During these action-packed adventures, younger learners become familiar with some instruments and short tunes, while older ones get the chance to acquaint themselves with symphonies and concertos.
These programs for children, young people and communities are especially important for the Festival Orchestra. As part of our youth programs, we provide an opportunity to participate in the Budapest Festival Orchestra’s partner school program in each season. Our mission is to share the joy of playing and listening to music with both younger and older children, whether they are from the capital or the countryside, well-off or disadvantaged, talented or less curious about music.
Who can apply to the BFO’s partner school program?
Participation in the partner school program is open and free for all primary and secondary schools. You should consider, however, your ability to actively participate in our programs.
How to apply to the BFO’s partner school program?
You can send your application email to the following email address: You will then receive the partner school agreement, which you will be asked to return by post in two copies signed by authorized signatory of the school to the following address: H-1034, Budapest, Bécsi út 126.
What does BFO provide to partner schools?
- Opportunity to attend the BFO’s rehearsals at our rehearsal room in Selmeci street (3rd district) to give children an insight into the workings of a symphonic orchestra. Participation is free but is subject to prior registration. We provide regular updates about available dates to representatives of our registered partner schools.
- Tickets for a discount price of HUF 2,000 to certain concerts on request
- Opportunity to participate in our Teachers’ Café program, where you can engage in informal discussion with guests from other partner schools and people close to the orchestra about current issues over a cup of delicious coffee and cake. Our Teachers’ Café always takes place immediately before a concert to ensure the participating teachers can enjoy our concerts after the discussion with a discounted (HUF 2,000) ticket.
- Monthly newsletters about BFO’s events, upcoming concerts and youth programs
What obligations are involved in participation in the partners school program?
Partner schools are asked to display membership of the school in BFO’s partner school program on the school’s website, using the BFO logo in the required format provided by us. In addition, they must agree to display BFO’s posters and publications in the school building.
How long does a partner school agreement run?
The partner school agreement is always concluded for the relevant school year and needs to be renewed at the start of the school year.