Our musicians gave 224 serenades in June all around Budapest. If you are wondering where they found the energy for all this: from you, our audience, who sent us so much kind feedback! Thank you!
No wonder that the orchestra is known all over the world: they bring happy times. I’m glad they exist!
Ilona Krausz
Sincere thanks for the wonderful, soul-soothing music. Your musicians are fabulous, and I just love them!
Maria Howler
Such a brilliant idea! It is so great to see all these happy people. Thank you to the artists for this!
Katalin Nagy
The idea and the execution were superb, and I’m sure even those who were only able to follow along online would agree. Thank you, BFO; thank you, Iván Fischer!
Ágnes Pálinkás
The orchestra has treated the audience to some fantastic things in the last few months. Thank you!
Ágnes Kecskés
Wonderful! We’ve almost forgotten that something like this could exist in this crazy world. Thank you for the experience!
Mária Libertiny
There is no other orchestra like the BFO!
Zsolt Komlósi
Sincere congratulations for this terrific idea! For your musicians, this was an opportunity to be active, and for the buildings’ communities, this was an opportunity to listen to amazing music! The BFO is my “court” orchestra! I wish you continued success; faithfully yours,
Anikó Fördős
Well...this certainly lifted me all the way to the sky! I live in the countryside, at the edge of a city, so this was the only way I could be a part of something like this. How great it was that I got to see it!
Mrs. Kálmán Benics née Eszter Tóth
“Walls, silent for so many years, have come alive again. This was fantastic. ❤️
Ágnes Stuhl
This was such a cool initiative! Congratulations to everyone who is a part of this, whether as organizer or musician! You make people’s days better!
Anita Barnácz
Amazing people! Iván Fischer always comes up with something to please us with!
Bea Hubert
I had tears in my eyes again here! The power of music, the power of humanity!
Maria Eliason
Humor, playfulness, professionalism. Fantastic!
Viktor Koos
A club for thoughtful minds.
Anna Galina
I am so glad that you came despite the rain. Thank you so much to the musicians for this experience. If only you joined us every Sunday!
Anett Rakács
This was a simply incredible afternoon, and the musicians were so nice! Thank you for the idea, and a special thanks for persisting and holding the serenade even despite the challenging weather conditions! What an experience this was for young and old alike - we will talk about this for a long time to come, and we look forward to the start of the next concert season!
Zsófi Bíró
It is impressive to see what the members of the orchestra are doing to bring music closer to people.
Mrs. Lajos Bódis
It’s possible that some of these people had not heard musicians performing live in years! This must have been a tremendous experience for them (as well as for the musicians, performing in these unusual settings). This was a great thing!
Andrea Derdák
Music, live! Right here! This was amazing!
Edit Gyarmati
I loved the wind instruments. Thank you so much. This was a chance to leave the daily routine behind FINALLY.
Maria Howler
I just love them! I was on my feet and dancing early in the morning!
Éva Cseh
I JUST LOVED how, finally, you provided a welcome distraction for people after such sad days. Thank you, thank you for the joyful music you shared!!
János Albert
An outstanding way to improve one’s mood! A noble undertaking!
Mrs. Lajos Pap
Thank you very much! You performed today right outside our window - this was a miracle! My three-year-old son said he hopes you will come back tomorrow.
Cecília Horváth-Szabó
Your music is so lovely, and this was such a moving initiative! If only everyone were like you!
Judit Stern
On behalf of those of us living at Jósika u. 25., we thank you for the personal, human touch and the dedication demonstrated by your three musicians (László Herboly, István Kurcsák and Gábor Pusztai) as they treated us to an emotional percussion performance.
Despite the simple setting, the heat and the fact that this was not their first performance that day, the musicians were cheerful and fun, and what we received was a thoroughly professional and artistic concert. This was more than just a musical experience: it was also inspiration to learn more about the world of music.
Ferenc Szeitz
This was “cultural education” at its finest, teaching a love of music! Congratulations!
Mária Szendi
The children were dancing, and quite a few neighbors who had been living side by side for decades without really even saying hello finally got to know each other and had conversations.
Thank you very much! An unforgettable experience!