The Budapest Festival Orchestra launched a new concert series in June: in the span of eight days, we performed 224 serenades for the people of Budapest. From the first weekend, it was an amazing experience, since we could finally reconnect with our audience personally, and we had the pleasure to meet kind new individuals as well. István, one of our long-time fans, sent us a letter that we would like to share with you with his permission. The letter is addressed to violinists Antónia Bodó, Emese Gulyás Noémi Molnár and Anikó Mózes.
“Dear Artists, I saw and heard the Telemann mini-concert the other day and I would like to say a few words about the performance. I am not a sentimental art lover in any way, shape or form. However, during the pandemic, I volunteered to travel across the city, bringing food, masks and other items to fellow quarantined citizens and I often saw their happiness as we brought them things they needed the most. Then, on July 7, as I was listening to the two Telemann pieces on the hanging corridors of my apartment building, I felt that that was the moment when I was brought things I needed the most! I was elated. Naturally, we listened to music on devices during the quarantine, but no hi-fi gadget can faithfully reproduce the sound of even a single violin played live.
The last performance I attended in person was held in the beginning of March at the Liszt Academy. The concert landscape has been completely barren since then - my tickets for March, April and May went into the trash can one after the other. As far back as I can remember, I have always been a fan of the Baroque and Telemann is a special favorite of mine. I have heard Baroque music performed in many places in the world, but never on the yellow cobblestones of an apartment block with hanging corridors.
I do not want to drone on, allow me to just say that this concert was like a glass of ice-cold mineral water in a searing hot desert. My only regret is that it was short: I would have loved to listen to it for three or four more hours. So, to sum up: thank you!”