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The next thirty years

This year the Budapest Festival Orchestra celebrates its 30th anniversary – and it is already looking energetically ahead to the next three decades. Various plans were revealed at the press conference on 15 April, all of which we can look forward to in the 2013-14 season. (

While the current orchestra is already considered to be one of the world’s best, the Festival Orchestra is already working on creating the orchestra of the future. Constantly establishing new ensembles and types of concert, its wealth of ideas looks set to stay in the new season too. The season starting in September will be opened not with the Mahler Festival but with a new festival, Bridging Europe-Európai Hidak, which is aimed at presenting the encounters and links of European cultural diversity and the various cultural traditions, the common ground of European intellectual heritage and making all this tangible. To this end, the programme of the festival opening the season will focus on the culture and the music characteristics of a different European country each year. The 2013-14 season will focus on the Czech Republic (the music world will be remembering Antonín Dvořák in 2014 on the 110th anniversary of his death).

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