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The Kitayenko concert of BFO is cancelled

The Kitayenko concert of BFO is cancelled

We regret to inform you that, due to the cuts made by the General Assembly of Budapest to the Budapest Festival Orchestra’s funding, we will be unable to host the concert in your season ticket on 29, 30 & 31 October, 2016 (conductor: Dmitri Kitayenko, with Lilya Zilberstein). The change affects holders of the Doráti A, Doráti B and Széll season tickets.

We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience and, in the hope that together we can find an optimal solution to a situation which is not of our making, we would like to offer the following as compensation.

In order for you to enjoy the full experience of the season ticket you purchased, we would recommend that you choose a replacement concert from the list below. As long as you notify us by 30 June, by sending an email to, we can guarantee you a seat appropriate to your season ticket.

List of Available Concerts:

  • 22 September Spend an evening with the world-famous early-music specialist Hervé Niquet as he unveils the beauty of French baroque music alongside the Festival Orchestra’s baroque ensemble, who will be performing on period instruments.
  • 25 September This concert will see the return of the American-French cellist Sonia-Wieder Atherton, who has a unique ability to create a miraculous atmosphere. The cello and cimbalom runs will be held together by conductor Ilan Volkov.
  • The German-Japanese Midori Seiler is an internationally-celebrated performer of early music, both as a soloist and as a orchestra leader. You have two chances to meet her in the 2016-17 season. On 23 October she will be giving a taste of the most beautiful melodies of the late Italian baroque period (Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Platti) with the BFO’s baroque ensemble, while she has complied the programme of her concerts on 2 and 3 June from works by the German baroque masters Bach, Telemann and Händel.
  • It is vitally important for Iván Fischer to give the new generation of conductors a chance, which is why he is launching a new series called Rising Stars. You can swap your tickets to the Kitayenko concert for two of these concerts. You can choose to see Victor Aviat conducting the orchestra as they perform works by Mozart, Honegger and Schumann on 14 or 15 April, while another great option is the première of the talented young Hungarian conductor, Gergely Dubóczky, on 19 or 21 November. That concert will feature compositions by Beethoven, Berlioz and Hindemith.

Should you be unable to find a suitable concert to replace the cancelled one, you could choose to support the educational activities of the Festival Orchestra by donating the already-paid sum to aid our youth programmes (Choose Your Instrument, School Opera), which are also in peril due to the cut in funding. Your generosity would allow us to keep these priority projects running, opening the gates for the next generation of music enthusiasts. If you wish to choose this option, please notify us by sending an email to You can find the amount that you would donate based on the category and type of the Season ticket you own in a table below.

If you would prefer neither the replacement concert nor the support option, we will refund the cost of the cancelled concert. In this scenario, we would also request that you notify us by sending an email to including the number of your bank account. You can find the refundable amount based on the category and type of the Season ticket you own in a table below.

We would like to thank you for your understanding, loyalty and support, and we hope that, despite this unexpected inconvenience, we are going to be able to spend a full season with together, sharing unforgettable experiences.

As the crowning achievement of this season we warmly welcome you to our free season finale

Dancing on the Square project concert on 3 June at 6 pm in Heroes’ Square.

With best wishes,

The Budapest Festival Orchestra


Sums to donate or refund:

Doráti premium 10 011 HUF
I. category 6 161 HUF
II. category 4 344 HUF
III. category 3 366 HUF
IV. category 1 889 HUF
Széll premium 11 434 HUF
I. category 7 040 HUF
II. category 4 969 HUF
III. category 3 844 HUF
IV. category 2 171 HUF