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Tamás Körner, resigning director of Budapest Festival Orchestra, established a foundation

After the last concert in Budapest preceding the traditional tour to Germany in January, the Budapest Festival Orchestra ceremoniously said goodbye to Tamás Körner who is retiring. The Festival Orchestra Foundation presented a painting of István Nádler to the director. As a farewell statement, Tamás Körner announced that he established a foundation in the value of HUF 10 million.
The best artist of the orchestra or the a member of the orchestra staff with excellent performance shall be acknowledged by the For Budapest Festival Orchestra Foundation each year in an alternating manner and the award shall be presented at the last concert of the season. Géza Szőcs, state secretary in charge of culture of the Ministry of National Resources closed the day of Hungarian culture as a member of the audience, and emphasised during the farewell ceremony, while expressing appreciation for Tamás Körner, that if music is frozen architecture, the „construction” of the Budapest Festival Orchestra includes, in addition to the quasi intangible bonding material, namely the sound, financial care, and the network of artistic relations. By means of these components, the orchestra, which is one of the first ten orchestras of the World, had a manager director who reaches the same international level in his professional field. Eszter Bánffy, archaeologist, emphasised on behalf of the founders of the BFO that Tamás Körner was characterised during his work by merciless fastidiousness, since the director worked as the key figure of the unparalleled success called the Budapest Festival Orchestra. Iván Fischer, music director and conductor of the Orchestra also underlined that the past twenty years would have been unimaginable without the work of Körner. Two words come into the mind of Miklós Marschall, chairperson of the Festival Orchestra Foundation, about the past two decades of the director: professionalism and passion. Ákos Ács, clarinet artist noted that the clearly identifiable and inspiring applaud of Tamás Körner was the first to be heard during the domestic concerts and the evenings of the tours and the musicians shall count on his applaud also in the future. At the end of the ceremony, Tamás Körner handed over the Deed of Foundation of the Foundation established by him to Stefan Englert following him in the director position. Hungarian News Agency