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SEE WHAT YOU HEAR! HEAR WHAT YOU SEE! Anita Horváth The final and awards ceremony of the film competition See what you hear! organised by the Budapest Festival Orchestra for high-school students were held on 1 March.
The event started with a brief workshop with guest speakers director Szabolcs Hajdu, animator Réka Bucsi, and Bence Tasi, representing the Korda Film Studio. The discussion revealed several facets of the directors’ work in general – and what they do today – but personal feelings towards festivals were also articulated. This latter subject matter was especially close to Réka Bucsi, as she shared her recent experiences from the Berlinale. According to Szabolcs Hajdu, there is not enough personal feedback at renowned festivals. A spectacular presentation introduced the Korda Film Park, which the winners of the competition will be able to visit. A deft transition from the workshop to the gala was provided – probably subconsciously – by Szabolcs Hajdu. For him, the most interesting part of film making is when film makers “dress the bride”, i.e. when music is added to the moving picture. After the discussion the awards ceremony of the film competition began. Spectators gathered in the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall at the Palace of Arts, and broke into applause after short films they felt close to – presumably because a relative or friend of theirs had made it. The competition films, based on the four films that made it to the finals, seemed to be balanced. One jury member, Szabolcs Hajdu, revealed that the competing films – from the few-minute short films to longer works, from films resembling video clips to genre films – were of a diverse nature. While evaluating the competition, he also drew the audience’s attention to another interesting trend. Many works of art featured an “oppressed woman”, who has no choice but to run away from the violence of the present or the dark memories of the past. It gives us food for thought as to why this theme was so popular at a competition organised for high-school students. The award-winning film Dear Daddy!, which received almost all the awards, also used this phenomenon. The short film won the main award as well as the audience’s award and’s award. This piece by Andrea Szatmári and Bálint Stellek may have been so successful because the obligatory musical element (a movement from Franz Schubert’s ‘Unfinished’ Symphony No. 8) did not override the dramaturgy, leading the narrative and visual solutions, but rather accompanied the plot. Schubert’s music remained in the background, which created the atmosphere and increased the tension. In addition, the narrator was an excellent choice, whose voice – just like the music itself – was adjusted to the imagery of the film, speaking in the first person in a naively romantic and sometimes desperate voice. Besides the musical and beautiful visual solutions, costumes and make-up also contributed to the authenticity of the short film. In light of all this, the outcome of the competition could be assumed well before the final. Eszter Csordás’s short film entitled “Man creates” must also be mentioned, which used well composed and beautiful images following the logic of video clips, inspiring the audience in the direction of further philosophical thinking. The high standard of the award-ceremony was guaranteed by the Budapest Festival Orchestra’s performance. The first movement of Schubert’s ‘Unfinished’ Symphony No. 8 was played during the evening, which proved to be the most popular piece among the film makers. The music had an overwhelming effect on the audience. As a result, I interpreted the telling title of the competition – See what you hear! – the other way around: Hear what you see!