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See What You Hear! film competition results

At the Budapest Festival Orchestra’s 2015/16 See what you hear! film competition on 26 February 2016 the film entitled “Apuskám” won the Orchestra Award, “Metamorfózis” received the Jury Prize and the Audience Award, “Ghost” won the Special Award, while “Összpróba” earned the Special Jury Award.
This year a great number of excellent and interesting short films were submitted again for the Budapest Festival Orchestra’s See what you hear! film competition. The participating youngsters along with their teachers and helpers put in tremendous effort and creativity to their work, which we would like to thank you all for. The young participants in the competition this time had to make short films on specific movements of Shostakovich’s Hamlet Suite. The professional jury award was won by “Összpróba” based on motion picture criteria, but since the filmmakers used a different version of Shostakovich’s Hamlet Suite than that provided by the orchestra – in good faith, but still a mistake – the jury re-examined the works submitted for the film competition based on motion picture, musical and legal criteria. Accordingly, the following decisions were made: Orchestra Award: Apuskám (Ferenc Kölcsey High School in Nyíregyháza, written and directed by: Kornélia Kiss, “The Martyrs’ Team”, starring: Panna Pokoraczky) – their prize is a tour with the Festival Orchestra in Amsterdam Jury Prize: Metamorfózis (Budapest-Fasor Evangelical High School, director: András Körtési, starring: Balázs Simon, and: Jolán Angyal, Jácint Polgár, Eszter Simon and Levente Simon) – they won LAMAX X7 Mira cameras sponsored by Telekom Audience Award: Metamorfózis (Budapest-Fasor Evangelical High School, director: András Körtési, starring: Balázs Simon, and: Jolán Angyal, Jácint Polgár, Eszter Simon and Levente Simon) – they won BFO student season tickets Dazoo Award: The Ghost (Alternative High School and Vocational School of Economics and Polytechnic, made by: Luca Szabó, Ágoston Bolyki, Miklós Markovits, Márton Németh and Milán Tóbiás – they won six-month season tickets to the Cirko-Gejzír cinema, and film publications Special Award: Összpróba (Lauder Javne School, Áron Lendvai and Sophie Orosz) – they won a professional discussion and consultation with Károly Ujj-Mészáros, film director and chairman of the jury, Péter Duszka, film editor, and Fanni Szilágyi, director Every participant who made it to the finals won an entry ticket to the Korda Film Park. On behalf of the See what you hear! film competition jury and the Budapest Festival Orchestra we offer our congratulations, and thank the participants for their patience.