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It’s a duty for our evolution to be curious

It’s a duty for our evolution to be curious

It is a rarity in music history that a cimbalom and a cello meet. This is exactly what will happen in 25 September, at the concert of the Budapest Festival Orchestra. Get tuned with the French cimbalom player, Françoise Rivalland.
Experts say that it is rare in music history that a cimbalom and a cello meet. In Aperghis’s Reste du temps this is exactly that we will experience at the concert of the Budapest Festival Orchestra (BFO). Do you find this a unique match too? Yes, as far as I know this was the first piece for cello, cymbalum and ensemble. Aperghis wrote also a kind of 2nd movement wich is in fact a kind of „cadence for cymbalum and cello” that should be played before a third movement, not composed yet. This Cadence could be played also as a single piece in duo. The festival in which you are going to play is called Bridging Europe, as a French musician, do you think that music has the power to bring different cultures closer to each other? Of course, and I hope a bridge not only in Europe. The cymbalum is the instrument  of the Central-Europe when people, culture and religions were mixed. It is  also the instrument of the gypsies who’re still moving everywhere with it, transporting, mixing  and saving a lot of cultures. You participate in many Aperghis productions. How would you describe his musical world and this certian piece you are going to play with BFO? He’s a composer complexe and organic who is really writing for people, to be played, heard and understood. Aperghis music has also no frontier. If I could tell a story, it speaks about life, meetings, tensions, people who try to find a kind of agreement even if it’s difficult as we know!!! The other musical piece in which you are going play is Dutilleux’s Mystère de lʼinstant. What does the atmosphere of it look like? It’s a music more in the French tradition, very delicate, sophisticated and elegant, with big dreams for the humanity. How would you convince a young man to attend a contemporary concert? I would just tell him that it speaks about him. He has to know what’s happening to him. That’s his actuality. It’s a duty for his evolution to be curious. And also...that it’s very various in the purpose, in the aesthetic and in the form. That it could be also really fun!!!!! What is the first thing that comes to your mind about Hungary? The first time I arrived by car it was the night. From the top, I saw the Donau, and the bridges, so big and strong, full of all the music, the words written, played there, all the dream of the people.