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The winning film will be presented at the BFO's concert in April 2013 when this classical work is performed. The jury will be chaired by film director Ferenc Török, as announced at the BFO's press conference in Budapest on Tuesday.
The BFO launched its first youth film competition last year, when high-school students in Budapest got creative on one of Richard Strauss's compositions. This year they are looking forward to receiving contributions from schools around the country too. Similar to last year, those winning the first prize this year will be able to accompany the BFO on one of its tours. The winners of the first film competition were the team from the Lauder Javne school, who also filmed on the tour, and their work will soon be up on the BFO website – said Orsolya Erdődy, Deputy Director of the BFO. Britten's children's opera, Noye's Fludde, performed at the Budapest Mahler Festival was put on again last week in five schools, and this will be followed in February with another five schools; the production involves around 100 children, adult soloists and the musicians of the BFO – she added. Stefan Englert, Director of the BFO, went on to say that the orchestra has been invited to Rome on 18 May 2013 where its concert will signal the start of the Italian-Hungarian Season of Culture. Following the weekend's concert with Richard Goode and Louis Langrée the next concerts are scheduled for 9, 10 and 11 December where the spotlight will be on Bartók; Bluebeard's Castle will be performed with Andrea Szántó playing Judith and Béla Perencz in the role of Bluebeard. This programme will be repeated on 16 December in the Vienna Konzerthaus. The director announced that the BFO's new Mahler CD is now available, Symphony No. 1 (Titan), and a Brahms CD is also in the pipeline. He noted that there will be no Christmas concert this year, but a special package is being offered as a Christmas gift. Music-lovers can choose five tickets from 8 concert series offered by the BFO, but only have to pay for four, as the fifth is a gift from the BFO. The director noted that 2012 was sluggish to get going in terms of financing, but the arrival of state funding eventually balanced the budget nicely. For 2013, the BFO was promised by the City Council that they would do all in their power to support the orchestra; the 2013 funding framework of the Act on the Performing Arts "will focus on the BFO" – explained Stefan Englert, and so they are optimistic about the coming year.