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The Budapest Festival Orchestra is once again inviting bids for its film competition designed specifically for young people – according to a press release from the BFO. The director and deputy director of the Orchestra reported on events in recent weeks and their upcoming plans, as well as emphasising that the BFO will be opening the Italian-Hungarian Season of Culture in Rome next spring.
Orsolya Erdődy, Deputy Director of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, took stock of events in recent weeks: the children's opera Noye's Fludde by British composer Benjamin Britten, performed in September at the Budapest Mahler Festival, has since been put on several times in schools in the capital and around the country this autumn, with a further five performances coming up in February. Youth musical education is an important task for the BFO, she added, and so they are constantly planning similar programmes and events; moreover, the late-evening concerts held regularly in the Millenáris are extremely popular with young people. The deputy director also announced that they are once again inviting bids for the youth film competition, and look forward to receiving submissions from teams of five members aged 12–18. The task is to prepare a short film on the Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 of Johann Sebastian Bach. The jury will be chaired by Ferenc Török, film director, and the winning film will be shown at a concert of the Orchestra in Budapest next spring. And, similarly to last year, the winning team will be able to accompany the BFO on one of its tours, getting the chance to make another film at the same time. Stefan Englert, director, spoke about the BFO's new Mahler CD and about the special offer that the Orchestra has put together as a "Christmas gift" this year: concert-goers can choose tickets for five of the BFO's concerts, but only have to pay for four! He reiterated that the Festival Orchestra was asked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open the Italian-Hungarian Season of Culture in Rome with a concert on 18 May 2013. In response to questions about the financing of the Orchestra, Englert said the year was slow to get going, and following the unscheduled government support in the middle of the year it seems as if the level of financial support is largely in line with last year. He emphasised that they have received assurances from the Budapest City Council that next year's local authority support will be adequate too. Looking ahead to the forthcoming concerts he highlighted the Schumann–Brahms concert this weekend with Richard Goode and Louis Langrée at the Palace of Arts, as well as the concerts to be held on 9, 10 and 11 December featuring works by Béla Bartók. As the director revealed, this programme will be repeated on 16 December in the Vienna Konzerthaus.