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Párizstól Varsóig tartó őszi európai turnéján 2012. szeptember 29-én és 30-án Brugge-ben lépett fel a Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar (BFZ). A belgiumi állomáson záróakkordként az együttes Fischer Iván zeneigazgató szerzői programjában, a Tsuchigumo című opera ősbemutatóján működött közre.
Alongside the musicians of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, this new Hungarian opera was presented by international artists and dancers, enjoying massive success – said Júlia Váradi, the BFO communications manager, on Sunday evening to MTI. Tsuchigumo was originally a well-known play by the Japanese Noh theatre, with its hero being a mystical spider-like creature. Iván Fisher adapted the text of the traditional Noh performance for the opera, making a libretto in six languages from the base material. Alongside the opera, the composer's concert included another nine compositions, including the German-Yiddish cantata, which has already been played in many other countries, for example Switzerland. Unfortunately it is not available to Hungarian audiences as Iván Fischer has not consented to it being played in Hungary. The BFO will be playing in Grenoble, France on 1 October on the evening of World Music Day. The soloist will be violinist József Lendvay.